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MORE | Management of Real-time Energy Data - Incremental Machine Learning Algorithms for Time-series Data (2022)

The course provided an introduction to incremental machine learning algorithms (IMLA) with an emphasis on models and applications for time-series problems. The initial lectures motivated the need for IMLA along with with an overview of the various categories of IMLA like continual learning, online learning etc. Following that, incremental variants of the standard machine learning algorithms like linear regression, SVM and random forest algorithms were studied in detail. Other topics that were covered in the course include IMLA for neural networks, pre-processing and post-processing tools for incremental models, concept drift, and catastrophic forgetting. The course emphasized on time-series applications.

  • Prerequisites: Bachelor and master’s degree in computer science or software engineering, including knowledge on machine learning and data management as introduced in typical undergraduate courses.

  • Organizer: Professor Torben Bach Pedersen and Assistant Professor Nguyen Ho.

  • Lecturers: Research Scientist Seshu Tirupathi, IBM Ireland.

  • ECTS 2.0

  • Time: May 9-12, 2022: 8:30-12:00

  • Place: AAU Aalborg

  • Number of seats: 15

11 Oct 2022