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MORE | Management of Real-time Energy Data - The MORE's 2nd Newsletter

In November's Newsletter, we highlight some of the most recent developments of MORE as we enter the project's final year. Athena Research Center presents the visualization platform for renewable energy analytics, and the University of Aalborg and ModelarData describe ModelarDB System for time series data. Moreover, we present the outcomes of our first hackathon at Aalborg, the plans for our second hackathon in Athens, and the outstanding achievement of IBM winning the 2nd Position in the Federated Tumour Segmentation Challenge operating federated learning techniques developed in the context of MORE.

Main topics of the Newsletter:

  1. Α Self-Service Visualization Platform for Renewable Energy Analytics
  2. ModelarDB: Managing Extreme-Scale Time Series from Wind and Solar Parks Using Models
  3. MORE's Hackathons
  4. MORE gets 2nd Position in Federated Tumour Segmentation Challenge

See the Newsletter!

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11 Dec 2022